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Keenan Research Center for Biomedical Science, St. Michael’s Hospital, Unity Health Torontao | 重症医学

Dr. Haibo Zhang is a distinguished Professor of Anesthesia, Medicine, and Physiology at the University of Toronto, where he holds a prominent position as a Staff Scientist within the Keenan Research Centre for Biomedical Science at St. Michael's Hospital. Recognized for his outstanding contributions, Dr. Zhang was elected as a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Health Science in 2017, a testament to his expertise and accomplishments.

At the core of Dr. Zhang's research endeavors lies a translational research program focused on elucidating the mechanisms and developing therapies for acute lung injury, sepsis, and bioengineered organ systems. With an impressive publication record of over 250 peer-reviewed articles, he has significantly contributed to the scientific community's understanding of these critical areas. Dr. Zhang's dedication and expertise have been acknowledged through numerous research grants and prestigious awards, further exemplifying his impact and commitment to advancing medical knowledge.

Dr. Zhang has played an instrumental role in educating and mentoring future scientists. He has successfully supervised and trained over 120 MSc and PhD students, as well as post-doctoral fellows, fostering their growth and development in the field. Furthermore, his commitment to education extends to his role as the Continuing Medical Education (CME) director at the Interdepartmental Division of Critical Care Medicine at the University of Toronto, where he has contributed to shaping critical care education for healthcare professionals.

Dr. Zhang has served on the Standing Committee of the Critical Care Assembly for the American Thoracic Society and held the position of Associate Editor for Intensive Care Medicine, the official journal of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine. His contributions as a reviewer extend beyond borders, as he has been a part of the College of Reviewers at the Canadian Institutes of Health Research and participated in expert review panels for European granting agencies in Austria, Belgium, Germany, Holland, Israel, Italy, and the UK






日期 时间 会场 Session 角色 讲题
2020-11-22 08:40-09:00 分会场二(3楼宴会厅2)


讲者 Molecular mechanisms and potential therapies in COVID-19